Freemasonry, Genealogy History Masonic Research, Racism

Why I No Longer Support Freemasonry

Greetings All,


I know it has been some time since I posted on this platform. That lack of activity has been for personal and legal reasons.

What compelled me to write today was reading a post on the Facebook social media platform.


The question posed is here:

{Why is Masonry so popular, prosperous and prevalent in the UK, and yet in the US we are floundering and have difficulties keeping members engaged enough to stay in the craft?}



As many of you would expect, there are a number of comments on this question, a question primarily posed about and toward American Freemasonry initially, but may or may not be relevant across the board.


I apologize for the digression, and will now get back to what caused me to back off from American Freemasonry, and ultimately caused me to withdraw any previous support I once had for this fraternal group.


{Mr. Gabe, before you can be permitted to advance any farther in Masonry, it becomes my duty to inform you, that you must take upon yourself a solemn oath or obligation, appertaining to this degree, which I, as Master of this Lodge, assure you will not materially interfere with the duty that you owe to your God, yourself, family, country, or neighbor. Are you willing to take such an oath?}

see page 33 of Duncan’s Ritual (a Masonic ritual no longer used by many American Grand Lodge jurisdictions because of its public exposure so many years ago. A link has been provided to that ritual


The candidate is assured that this obligation “will NOT materially interfere with the duty you owe to your God, yourself, family, country, or neighbor”


Now, for me, some Masonic members exhibited conduct that openly violated Freemasonry’s regulations regarding who was deemed worthy of membership. Some of those views I witnessed or negatively experienced firsthand blatantly violated the teachings of my faith tradition, which made Freemasonry as a whole “suspect” in my personal opinion.


For the above reason, I now viewed this statement about taking an obligation as null and void, holding no merit, and hypocritical.

“will NOT materially interfere with the duty you owe to your God, yourself, family, country, or neighbor”



What are the Catholic Church’s teachings on Racism?

The church is sensitive to a racial attitude and by no means find racism morally acceptable. Racism is seen as a sin in the Catholic Church. It is a sin that divides the human family and damages the image of God among specific groups within that family and violates the basic human dignity of God’s children. Racism is a sin that says that specific humans are superior to others and that others are inferior because of their race. Racism mocks the words of Jesus “Treat others the way you would have them treat you”.



Consideration of racism is grounded in fundamental scriptural beliefs: equal dignity of all people, created in God’s image; and Christ’s redemption of all.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church spells this out:

The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: “Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God’s design.”

Moral judgments on racism, based on equality, are consistent: “any theory or form whatsoever of racism and racial discrimination is morally unacceptable” (Compendium); and “racism is not merely one sin among many, it is a radical evil dividing the human family…” (Brothers and Sisters to Us).

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and Racism



I do hope that this short writing helped explain MY personal views, not the views of any other person or group I have previously held membership in or hold membership in currently, as I must think critically and make decisions for myself that are in line with my moral obligations, moral values, and the teachings of my faith tradition.


SK Raymond Sean Walters, 3°

St. John Nuemann Council No. 11828

Knights of Columbus


Copyright(s) All Rights Reserved

© 2018 Raymond Sean Walters™   © 2018 The Sophia Trust™


Book Project Tabled

Dear Readers,


Effective today, after recent consultation with legal counsel regarding a Social Media Policy that was issued by my current Grand Lodge, The United Grand Lodge of England, for guidance of all members of UGLE lodges, I have made decision to table a book I planned to release titled “A Masonic Memoir: The Creation, Journey and Death of a Freemason™ “.


What I will do is evaluate what portions of that writing (if any) I can release that will NOT place me in violation of my Grand Lodge’s regulations.


Stay tuned… I have other writing projects in the works also.


Social Media Policy for The United Grand Lodge of England





This policy can also be viewed on Freemasons for Dummies Blog at the following link:




Bro. Raymond Sean Walters

Copyright(s) All Rights Reserved
© 2008-2016 The Sophia Trust™
© 2008-2016 Raymond Sean Walters™
© 2008-2016 Raymond Sean Walters a/k/a Renaissance Man™
© 2016 Perspectives Of A Master Mason™
© 2016 A Masonic Memoir: The Creation, Journey and Death of a Freemason™
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to The Sophia Trust and Raymond Sean Walters with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Importance of Balance & Ethics

The Importance of Balance and Ethics


Br. Raymond Sean Walters, FPSH

The Phylaxis Society – Ohio Lodge of Research

One of the first lessons conveyed to us when we are made Mason is the equality of all masons and that of maintaining and keeping balance in our worldly, physical, and spiritual lives, demonstrated by how to properly use a 24 inch gauge symbolically.

Over these many years I have noticed a number of situations within the Masonic world that stray so far from the aforementioned teachings that it is highly doubtful that any attempt at applying these simple lessons was ever made.

Author Caroline Myss summed up my thoughts rather nicely in connection with this writing:

“Humans are, by nature, a species that seeks law and order. We easily fall under the sway of people who project authority and seek control. Yet many people misuse power to control rather than support others.” Anatomy of the Spirit, Chap 2- The Second Chakra page 159, middle

Freemasonry is described as a system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. Along with these, Freemasonry has what could be considered an ethical code for its adherents. Ethics hold enormous bonding power. This ethical code produces what the military would refer to as unit cohesion, and it is incumbent of any leader to honor that code, rule justly and fair to uphold equality among the members and keep balance within the group or tribe. As I previously referenced in earlier papers, humanity is a collection of tribes.

By failing to adhere to the ethical code, and one’s own moral code, there is not only an imbalance but outright confusion and chaos will often be the result.

The appetite for power can become an addiction that creates imbalance in the leader and the organization he or she strives to lead. By losing sight of the teachings regarding equality, balance and love, great harm can befall the organization due to imbalance within the leader and members. The pursuit of positions and/ or titles can be of great detriment by distracting members and leaders away from the ethical code they are expected to adhere to and live by.

I cannot help but wonder if getting back to the basics would serve a greater good within this fraternal group I care so much about?


Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss, PhD

The Intimate Lodge by John B. Williams, FPS

Masonic Survival by John B. Williams, FPS

Masonic Growth by John B. Williams, FPS

More Light- A Ritual of the Three Symbolic Degrees by HW Sanders

Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. Duncan

Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry by Jabez Richardson

The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

The Facts on the Masonic Lodge by John Ankerberg, John Weldon and Dillon Burroughs

Leadership Is An Art by Max DePree

Communicating Effectively (Fifth Edition) by Saundra Hybels and Richard L. Weaver II

Copyright(s) All Rights Reserved

© 2008-2016 The Sophia Trust™
© 2008-2016 Raymond Sean Walters™
© 2008-2016 Raymond Sean Walters a/k/a Renaissance Man™
© 2016 Perspectives Of A Master Mason™
© 2016 A Masonic Memoir: The Creation, Journey and Death of a Freemason™

Church Records, Esoteric Study, Freemasonry, Genealogy History Masonic Research, Gnosticism, Philosophy, Prince Hall

Coming Full Circle

For the last 11 years I have served as a supply pastor to a number of churches across multiple denominations. I presently serve as supply to 3 churches, all of which are in decline and near death.

The heyday of activity, growth and active worship programs are nonexistent at this point. It would seem that these churches have come full circle. With any beginning there must be an ending… some endings should be viewed as transitions.

One church was started prior to the Civil War (1862), and has been in decline since the late 1970’s after failed economic policies affected the local industry that the membership of those bodies were employed at.

For those who may be wondering why I started this post about churches is that I wanted to make a simple comparison that readers could understand when I get to the primary topic I wanted to address, which is the closure of Masonic lodges that barely stay alive or afloat…

Similar to the churches I mentioned, I have also witnessed numerous Masonic lodges hanging on long after their season was over.

Sentimental attachment isn’t enough to correct longstanding issues affecting the business/ financial operation of a company, a church, nor a fraternal group. Folks need to wake up!

In my regional area, churches and masonic lodges have been spiraling downward just like many of the communities have. Could any of this have been avoided? Possibly… but my own experience having grown up in this region showed me many years ago that lack of forward thinkers or long-term planners can have devastating effect in future years.

As the title states, coming full circle is something that will inevitably happen…

Esoteric Study, Freemasonry, Genealogy History Masonic Research, Gnosticism, Philosophy

Book Titles Decided

I have been working on a number of writings in varied subject areas, as well as working on two books.


A decision has been made on the two current book projects and what their titles will be.


The first book will be titled “Perspectives of a Master Mason”, and the second book will be titled “A Masonic Memoir: The Creation, Journey and Death of a Freemason”.


For any who have followed my blog postings over the years, I will discuss the good, bad and ugly of Freemasonry while offering my personal perspectives gained during my travels as a member of that fraternal organization. I will also discuss how masonic teachings inter-relate, can be applied to, or are in stark opposition to societal rules and norms.


I also plan to compare various systems of astrological, esoteric, Gnostic, Kabbalah and Sufi studies and make effort to show the interconnections of them all.


I will post again as I become closer to a finished product with further information about release dates.


© 2016 Raymond Sean Walters™

© 2016 Perspectives Of A Master Mason™

© 2016  A Masonic Memoir: The Creation, Journey and Death of a Freemason™

© 2008-2016 The Sophia Trust™

Freemasonry, Genealogy History Masonic Research

Reading old Masonic proceedings (and the information they contain)

Masonic proceedings contain considerable information, and provide a good snapshot of what went on within the organization that published proceedings for any given year.


Part of my research on my current project(s) required me to read a number of proceedings for the Grand Lodge of West Virginia (1863-2014). Of those proceedings, the portion that I find most interesting are the Reports of Foreign Correspondence, whereby commentary is offered about notes of interest regarding other Masonic jurisdictions.


For anyone interested, those proceedings can be viewed at


Of the many lodges in West Virginia, there is one lodge in particular that I made particular point to really scrutinize. That lodge is Marshall-Union No. 8 located in Moundsville, West Virginia.


Prior to 1863, the older masonic lodges in what is now the State of West Virginia were originally warranted under the Grand Lodge of Virginia until a disagreement over the issue of slavery caused a split, and that was only one issue.


There is also a book on the market now that contends the State of West Virginia was illegally formed, a book I have yet to read. For those interested, that book can be purchased through the following link on




Marshall-Union Lodge No. 8 is located in a town that my own Walters family has resided in since at least 1850-51. Needless to say, a lot of history has been witnessed (and recorded in personal journals) by my family prior to myself coming on the scene. I AM now in possession of a number of older books, proceedings, and personal journals passed over to myself since the death of my mother in 2011. I have been reading through these slowly and making many notes of my own.


Research can be tedious and demanding, but the time taken to gather as many of the facts as possible is imperative before attempting to write about them.





Church Records, Freemasonry, Genealogy History Masonic Research, Prince Hall

Researcher Issues with Church Records

Presently dealing with where I would/ should look for registries of free colored people for Hamilton County, Ohio 1820-1865. (My concern is that those records were destroyed in one of a couple of fires that affected the Hamilton County Courthouse in the late 1800’s.)

Another issue I have experienced is lack of cooperation (or lack of knowledge) of anyone in the AME church for Ohio or Kentucky (or any other colored/ Black churches) that could assist with church records. Lack of access to church records is extremely difficult, but could help with so much if they would quit throwing stuff away, or denying access to researchers when records still exist.



A Masonic Thought March 16, 2016

This post is specifically for my Brothers…(I tagged a few of you to get the message out)

Being a MASON requires much more than paying dues & carrying a membership card… it requires a transformation of the individual to grow intellectually and spiritually… as a profane, we were all at first chakra. As Freemasons we are striving to reach sixth chakra, (enlightening the mind), and seventh chakra, (our spiritual connector).

Keep your vanity and ego in check!

Copyright(s) All Rights Reserved
© 2008-2016 Raymond Sean Walters


Two Scenarios

Raymond Sean Walters Says:

March 16, 2016 at 3:46 pm
I must concur with your statement. I tired of being part of an apostate system that purposely deceived parishioners, and I made a decision to “depart the franchise”… I look at the current state of houses of religious worship as franchises (akin to fast food restaurants), with all of them claiming to be able to build a better Christian while fleecing the membership and lying to the world.

After asking too many questions, and pissing off enough church leaders, I was effectively pushed out of the way for seeking to teach truth in hopes of awakening people’s minds so that they could free themselves from the bondage they were in by following these false teachers of false systems or worship.

Since making that decision to depart what I disapproved of in 2007, I have remained in solitude and continued to study. I can never fully explain to anyone how great it feels as you grow in understanding and no longer have blinders on, the blinders that the modern church seeks to keep on its membership who are so unwilling to study for themselves.

I have followed you and some others in ministry for some time, and appreciate your efforts and sharing of truth.

Thank you so much for doing that Brother.

Raymond Sean Walters, OSL
Departed From the Franchise

Bold Proclaimer

Two Scenaios
by Ronald W. Robey

Two scenarios:

Scenario A: Man enters your place of business and says harm will befall your family if you do not give him a percentage of your weekly profits.
Scenario B: Man stands behind a pulpit in Church and says harm will befall your family if you do not give the Church ten percent of your every paycheck.

The fact is, if the members of the Church would take the time to open their Bibles at home, and study every Scripture, every verse, that has anything to do with tithing, one would find that God’s commanded tithe

a) was agricultural (Lev. 27:30-33)
b) was required of the Children of Israel (Lev.27:34)
c) was not to be observed in any geographical location other than the land of Canaan (Deut. 6:1-3; 12:1,10-11
d) was to be given to Levites, widows, orphans and strangers in Canaan (Num…

View original post 161 more words

Esoteric Study, Freemasonry, Genealogy History Masonic Research, Gnosticism, Philosophy, Prince Hall, Uncategorized

My Amazon Review of The Facts on the Masonic Lodge by John Ankerberg

The Facts on the Masonic Lodge by John Ankerberg…/0736…/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_viewopt_rvwer…

Customer Reviews

By Raymond Sean Walters on June 12, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
This book is clearly biased, and factually incorrect. The anti-masonic views expressed are based on incorrect understanding of multiple subject areas, which is part of the false teachings Mr. Ankerberg bases his religious views on.

It should be read by Freemasons for the purpose of knowing the negative outlook pushed onto the fraternity.

March 13, 2016 addendum

I have had time to read & re-read this writing. I still view it as highly biased and misinformed, but there are some premises that are partially correct. I find it baffling for anyone to criticize anything they are not part of, or have no real knowledge of.

The one statement in this book I can agree with Mr. Ankerberg on is that anything one places ahead of their faith becomes an idolatrous god of sorts.

Another Masonic writer named Antonio Caffey (of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio) wrote a paper titled “When Masonry Becomes the Other Woman” which hit on a parallel explanation of Masonic membership dominating one’s life in such a manner that other aspects are placed on a backburner or neglected.

Freemasonry is a classic example of first chakra energy and tribal mindset, both of which are controlling in nature (read Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, PhD)

I have come to see Freemasonry (and its leadership) as equally evil & controlling as the church in a number of ways, but that opinion and view is based on personal experience, not what I heard from someone else.

I was once again questioned just today by a bishop about my Masonic membership & involvement. One reason why I broke away from mainline denominations was persecution from church leadership and church folks who don’t read, study, nor understand the writings of the faith they claim to practice, yet are too quick to condemn others over matters they do not understand and have not studied at all.

Though I have often been a vocal critic of American Freemasonry as a system that doesn’t deliver what it promises to its initiates, and the outright hypocrisy of some of its membership/ leadership, one must take personal responsibility for one’s choices, and should do what one can to help improve any situation, not just criticize it.

I have been working on a research paper that uses this book as a primary source. That completed paper will be found at “A Masonic Memoir: Perspectives of a Master Mason” once it is completed.
